Upcoming Events
Test Sessions
SCP Members-Only Virtual Tests
All SCP members should register under "Members Only" virtual test session, regardless of month
January Virtual Test - Full!
February Virtual Test
Deadline to register: 2/26/25
Q2 In-Person Test
***In conjunction with Fiesta Skate***
Deadline to register: 3/22/25
Board Meeting
Skating Club of Phoenix offers several
different kinds of memberships to meet
the needs of skaters and their families.
Membership is now open for the Skating Club of Phoenix 2024-2025 membership year! We look forward to welcoming back our renewing members, and are excited to greet new members!
Click the button below to access our membership site, join or renew your membership.
Supporting SCP
Did you know that you can help support SCP every day by generating free money just by shopping?
Connect your Fry's Shoppers Card to Skating Club of Phoenix and a percentage of your spending will be donated.
Learn more about this program, and how to sign up:
January & February 2025 Tests Passed
Grace H: Silver Skating Skills
Helen L: Bronze Skating Skills
Ava A: Pre-Preliminary Skating Skills
Evelyn M: Pre-Preliminary Skating Skills
Evelyn M: Solo Fiesta Tango
Moriah K: Canasta Tango
Moriah K: Dutch Waltz
Mackenzie J: Silver Solo Free Dance
Tiffany Hoang: Adult Gold Singles
Kaelin R: Pre-Gold Singles
Emily G: Bronze Singles
Amelia P: Preliminary Singles
Tatiana R: Preliminary Singles
Lukas O: Pre-Preliminary Singles